Wednesday, February 21, 2018


26 January

I bought a hyacinth bulb at the grocery store a few weeks ago, and have enjoyed watching it grow and bloom. It's currently boasting its second bunch of aromatic deep violet flowers. 

10 February

14 February

Monday, February 19, 2018


Sam, Sara, Sharon and I got together for some heart pizza and Olympics recently.
Happy belated Valentine's Day, all!

Thursday, February 15, 2018


We had some icy weather recently which slowed down my morning walking commute by a few seconds since the treacherous coating required a mincing ice-walk to get to the main road from our apartment.

Friday, February 9, 2018


On Monday I took an apple to work.
On Tuesday I took a banana.
Wednesday morning, as I unloaded a clementine from my bag, I realized I had quite the fruit collection going on my desk. 

Maybe soon I should take a fruit basket to display the accumulation...
Or maybe I should just eat it up.

Thursday, February 8, 2018 (alternately: sans snow-cation)

bored-- with plenty to do

There are many advantages to living close to the office. There are also a couple of disadvantages... one is that there can rarely be weather so inclement that I am unable to safely make it to the office (I say rarely, because it could happen... see an example here).

I like working from home, and I heart snow days-- a lot.

Snow days are for tea and cozying on the sofa, and watching snow fall out the window and baking cinnamon rolls, and stuff like that. A snow day is kind of like a mini day-cation from the office. It's not a vacation from work (as work must be completed remotely), just a break from the humdrum of it all, a nice little variation in routine.

When I trudged up the hill to the the office Wednesday morning, no one was there. No one. I thought I must have missed a memo, but, no. It's just that everyone was working from home.

Eventually a couple of my coworkers came in for part of the day, and I heard some folks downstairs attending a full day of meetings as part of this week's scheduled leadership/board meeting-a-thon.

Friends, it was a BORING day at work. (and definitely not because I lack for things to do-- nor because I was neglecting said things to do...)

I like quiet and I like space, but somehow, I just felt like everyone else was on snow-cation except for me. I did manage to make the most of the opportunity by being productive. Amongst other accomplishments like prepping multiple international wires and having a phone meeting with one of the regional supervisors, there may or may not have been fifty items in my sent box by the end of the day.

However, I'm sure I could have sent those fifty items just as easily from the comfort of our sofa while drinking a piping hot cuppa and watching the snow fall through the front picture window... and maybe enjoying a fresh cinnamon roll too... essentially: while being on snow-cation.

Maybe next time.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Chicken caccciatore by Sharon

Korean beef and rice with salad

Mexican quinoa soup with avo and cilantro