Monday, January 1, 2024

2023 Reads

Better late than never...

Top two reads of 2023:

I recommend Jerry Sittser's book A Grace Disguised for adults who have suffered loss, are currently suffering loss, or are walking with others who are experiencing significant loss.

I recommend Eva Eland's simple picture book When Sadness is at Your Door for children and grown ups over the age of three :).

Additional Favorites:

most fun read: Sense and Sensibility (via a Jane Austen book club with four friends)
most disturbing/thought-provoking: Evicted
best sports story (Olympics!): Boys in the Boat
favorite biography: The Wright Brothers
most notable spiritual read: Disappointment with God

Other reads:

(Being Mortal and The Body Keeps the Score were notable reads but didn't quite make the top favorite list)

And just for fun: