Thursday, January 24, 2013

Leftovers, anyone?

I know if any picture could make you wish you were in Zambia, this one would be it.

So, when can we do dinner at my house?

[This is the leftover pot of nshima AFTER the building committee ate last week. I was actually a little offended to have so many leftovers… made me wonder why they didn't eat more. What was wrong with the food anyway?!]


  1. I can tell you that without even trying any! Looks like a cross between cold mash potatoes and grits ooh, yummy.

    Anonymous Fred

    1. don't be ridiculous... nshima is served hot! (this is just the leftovers). I'm sure you'd love it, well actually, I think you'd find it as delicious as fresh avocados. How does that grab you?!

      ps- you crack me up ;)

  2. Is nshima anything like mashed potatoes? If so, Mark will take a nice big helping!:-)

    ~ Betsy

    1. um... not really anything like mashed potatoes. We don't have something to compare it to in the States (which Zambians find astonishing). Nshima is made with water and maize flour.
