Saturday, December 12, 2015

six years

Six years ago today I turned 23 years old and graduated from Saginaw Valley State University.

I could have never guessed what the next six years would hold...

I spent a year recovering from a serious auto accident, 
nearly two years working an office job in Michigan (Amy and I purchased a house during that period), 
two years living in Zambia southern Africa, 
and now I've just completed a year working as a global accountant in Pennsylvania.

Six years ago I had no idea what God had for me "next" after graduation.
(and, I'm glad I didn't know)

It's a beautiful thing the way time clarifies God's plans and etches deeper the reminders 
of His loving care over my life. 
I have experienced God's faithfulness is rich ways over the past six years-- and I know He won't fail my expectations of His tender leadership throughout the upcoming six years... whatever they hold.

Proverbs 16:9 In his heart a man plans his course, 
but the Lord determines His steps.

(my favorite graduation verse)

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