Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Fabric Flowers

We had wanted to add some fabric flowers to the waist of Sara's wedding dress, but hadn't been able to find any large sized flowers that Sara liked (and which matched the dress). Thursday morning before the wedding, Sara and I chose three different strips of wedding fabric at JoAnn Fabric, and after looking up a do-it-yourself fabric flower YouTube, I set to work.

After a few minutes of cutting, folding, and arranging, I was convinced the make-our-own fabric flower idea was a fail... but instead of giving up right then I finished the flower.

and when I finished, it was beautiful!

I wasn't sure if Sara would like it, but I knew I liked the flower even if she didn't wind up using it. When Sara saw the flowers pinned on the dress, she approved.

I can't believe I made a fabric flower which was featured on a wedding gown!
fun times :)