Saturday, January 18, 2020


“One day this will be history,” Kristen told me the winter of 2010 as I lay in the hospital recovering from the accident on 18 January. 
“You will look back and it will be a year… 

then five… 

then ten.”

I couldn’t imagine ten years from that day in that hospital bed. 

I knew time would continue, and life would pass, but... ten years is a long time and felt like forever on those long gray days of recovery during 2010.

Well, the math says 2020 minus 2010 is 10!
Here I am, ten years from the accident that left me in the hospital for six weeks with most of a year of recovery. 
Obviously something that consumed one year out of my first twenty-three is a significant part of my life, however, it's true that somehow over the past decade, the freshness of that horrible day in January and the ensuing long months of recovery have faded a bit. 
It's not that the sharpness of memories is gone, just rather the frequency of triggers that transport me to those painful places.

I continue to frequently thank the Lord for the gift of healing and strength over my body since that day. The life He's given me is not something I take for granted.


  1. I try to think of this day as a thanksgiving like day...because all my sibs are alive and well.
