Monday, December 3, 2012

Welcome to our Nahumba home

Thought you might like to see a few pictures of the house where Heather and I live. Sorry the photo quality didn't turn out so great.

Heather's room

the living room

piano, also in the living room
Note the gray-scale sketches of African animals-- my favorite wall decor of the house

yet another take on the living room (taken from the main/dining room entrance)

dining room (the doorway leads to the kitchen; the living room is to the left)

One of my favorite rooms of the house... the pantry (between the dining room and kitchen)

kitchen (you can see the guesthouse through the window)
Lydia, do you see the picture you gave me? It's on the fridge
We use the back door as our main door; you can barely see it to the left in this photo.

kitchen again

bathroom (for the Americans)/toilet (for the Brits)/washroom(for the Canadians)
Tub is to the right; no shower

another of my favorite parts of the house... the door to my office
my office (the window looks out toward the guesthouse and development offices)

the main hall
To the right: main house entrance, kitchen, bathroom
To the left: dining room
Down and right: my office
Down and left: living room

my bedroom
Betsy, notice your bed and net

my bedroom
I also have a closet on the wall that's not pictured.
 There you have it, the official house tour.