Friday, December 21, 2012

A'counting Cookies

Heather and I decided to bake cookies for our Zambian friends for Christmas. We made a quick list (separating the naughty and nice... haha. not really), and decided 184 cookies might be enough-- at least for a start.

We settled on peanut butter cookies. Our trial batches received rave reviews from Heather's coworkers. On Tuesday afternoon I mixed two batches of peanut butter cookie dough. After work, Heather and I heated the oven to 177C, set the computer's playlist to "Christmas," and baked away. Partway through the process, we realized two batches of cookie dough would definitely not yield enough cookies, so we whipped up two batches of minty African Cookies as well.

African Cookies

The mixture of laughter, Christmas tunes, and amazing aromas floating through the air made the evening a delight. "This is the most it's felt like Christmas yet," Heather commented.

It was. It sort of did feel like Christmas.

the list

Heather made Christmas cards too


  1. Impressive...and fun! They will be blessed :)

  2. I'm so glad you two were able to have some Christmas feeling cookie fun. Tra-La-La-La-La-La-La-La-La!

  3. Why does it not surprise me that Julie already has over 100 friends on another continent, and she just got there??!!

    :-) Betsy
