Friday, December 7, 2012


I find the name Wonderbake rather unappealing, as it reminds me of Wonder Bread in the States.
However, I find the offerings of Wonderbake most appealing.
Wonderbake is known not only for their sliced bread (which is classic, white, and nothing to rave about), but also for their air conditioning, complimentary internet, coffee and lattes, special baked goods, and

Ice Cream.

Which is the main reason I find Wonderbake so attractive.
I had the privilege of trying Wonderbake's ice cream for the first time this week.
At K3,000 (around seventy cents) for a little cup, this is a wonderful treat!

Heather and Chrissy enjoying our Wonderbake break after shopping in the market

At a friend's recommendation, I decided to try a Wonderbaked raisin scone. But, they only had cherry scones, so I bought one. It was huge and yummy (the picture doesn't do it justice). I would have loved to share it with you.

yum fun


  1. Yahoo! Scones and ice cream. Culinarily speaking, it doesn't get much better :)

  2. I like the wonderbake already. Just make sure the big hungry bear doesn't get a wiff of all that yum.
