Friday, February 21, 2014

eat your heart out

our Valentine cookies-- inspired by candy conversation hearts

Valentine’s Day was somewhat anti-climactic this year… 
as I’d been sick for over a week previously and didn't have energy to be creative.

Sweet Sara, though, knowing my love of the heart-y day bought some adorable heart-shaped 
votive candles at Pep and also baked heart-shaped custard cookies 
(like a butter cookie, but ingredients include custard powder) to celebrate.

We had a lovely day, including fun times with our friend Grace and hours of stories from our guests, 
Dave and Jeannie, who came all the way from Minnesota to spend a day with us at Nahumba!

Grace cutting cookies

my Valentine sister called all the way from Michigan
so we could chat for a few minutes!

I know you want some too!
I made crust-less quiche for dinner, and these were the piles of yummy goodness I included in the dish.


  1. HEY! I have custard powder, given to me by a sweet, sweet friend from Zambia!:-) Send me that recipe, please!

    ~ Betsy

  2. looks Amazing! I would gladly have joined you.
