Monday, March 16, 2020


It was a new experience to go shopping last week and find the above sign. I'm not used to being "limited" in any way when grocery shopping, aside from periodic reasonable limits on crazy ridiculous sale prices.

I'm also not used to buying the last regular sized bag of unbleached enriched white flour off the shelf.

The bread, milk, and egg shelves looked as if a blizzard was about to reign down on the region (out here in PA, it's a real thing that people panic before large snow storms, and stores literally run out of bread, milk, and eggs).

Amidst the grocery store pandemonium following the State's announcement to close all K-12 schools for the next couple weeks (which in-turn led to the cancellation of nearly every social event small or large for at least the same period), I stopped to select a little bouquet of daffodils. 
I was the only person in the flower department, although the store was the busiest I've ever experienced.

Somehow buying a mini bouquet in addition to my cart full of flour, oil, pasta, fresh and frozen veggies, cereal, bread, and yoghurt (I confess I put an extra quart in the cart since milk wasn't an option...) felt like a holistically healthy decision.

{and... buying a box of chocolate peanut butter ice cream also seemed like a very wise move :) }

1 comment:

  1. Shopping has been crazy around here too... I think ice cream and flowers were a great idea. Happy hunkering down!
