Friday, April 10, 2020

Remote Office

my office on the move...
safety first

After more than two weeks of working hunched over my tiny laptop in un-ergonomic positions, I finally came to grips with reality:
This COVID stuff is going to last a long time...
and I need workable solutions for navigating COVID-affected life.

One thing that needed to change in order for me to switch from short-term response to long-term survival was my (non)office set up in our apartment. 
As you can see, major upgrades have now taken place.

my new workspace.
I love it so much I told my coworkers to watch out... they might never see me at the office again :)

I am so blessed to have a job I can continue working remotely.
Also, I'm a big fan of working remotely, so I have immensely enjoyed that portion of this season of life.

1 comment:

  1. Haha... I see you have the same computer monitor extension setup as Amy!
    Glad you have a comfortable place to work.
