Saturday, August 14, 2021

HOT days

This week, we had multiple days with heat indexes reaching 100 and beyond.

Early in the week, I made a deal with myself that if I wanted, I was allowed to eat ice cream any day it was over 90F (the deal was a special offer for this week only).

I wanted.

two scoops: raspberry & cherry chocolate chip

Monday evening, Heather and I went to Leo's of Carlisle. 
Visiting this ice cream shop has been on my list of local want-to-dos for a couple years... and Monday was the long awaited day.

I'm not sure I was really able to make a complete judgement of Leo's ice cream (it was so hot I had to lick fast!); I probably need to return for more analysis...



  1. I like the deals you make. 😏🍦

  2. If I used your 100 degree or higher rule I could eat ICE cream almost every day of the year!
    Smiles. Uncle Keith
