Saturday, July 14, 2018

Just like a Farmer (not really)

my tiny apartment garden overgrown with zucchini and cucumbers!

This year I decided to try growing a few seeds by the backdoor of our apartment.

Pessimism, fear of crop failure, plus the work involved in the lengthy process all deter me from gardening, but the truth is that there's nothing quite like the beauty and wonder of growing a successful garden-- even if it's an ever-so-small garden.

Way back in March I started gathering supplies for my garden.

I planted four zucchini plants hoping for at least one. When all four seeds sprouted and appeared to be healthy, I could only bring myself to thin out two, even though I knew two zucchini plants was more than enough for our tiny plot of soil. 

The cucumber seeds I planted sprouted equally as successfully.

I figured something would happen and the plants would die before bearing fruit. After all, the list of things that can go wrong when gardening is pretty vast. 
I told myself I was going to not worry about whether or not the plants actually produced, but just at least enjoy the joy of watching the seeds sprout, even if they never bore fruit.

Considering the neighborhood population of rabbits and other small creatures (as well as our lack of a fence), I figured the plants would quickly be grazed off.

However, the plants just kept growing and looking healthy.

Eventually they started blossoming!

And then...
they started bearing fruit!

I feel so happy and blessed that the plants grew and are producing amazing fresh veggies.

I may or may not have baked two loaves of zucchini bread and one zucchini cake this week (and, yes, I ate zucchini not in the form of dessert as well!).

I also enjoyed two fresh cucumbers for lunch two days this week.


1 comment:

  1. really made the most of that tiny space! Good Job!
