Friday, July 5, 2013

Dr. Phil

Up until our last visit to Lusaka, Heather was unable to join the local Spectacles Club. Marvin teases Heather that he and I receive more respect, because we wear specs.

However, due to the frequency of headaches behind her eyes recently, we decided Heather should visit Phil Opticians Ltd while we were in Lusaka. Phil Opticians (according to their brochure) has a “Registered ophthalmic and dispensing optician [and] contact lens practitioners,” because “Eye care is a must.”

I might never forget listening in on Heather’s call to her Mom while we were standing in the lighting aisle of Game (like Wal-mart) after our visit to Phil Opticians Ltd. 

“Mom, I’m having an emotional crisis!” [pause] 

“I need specs!” [pause] 

“I have to get spectacles.” [another pause] 

“Mother, I need glasses!!”

Welcome to the newest member of the Choma Specs Club :)