Monday, July 29, 2013

To Kaelyn, Nessa, and Austin

impala, African deer

banded mongoose

Do you think these look like Austin's elephant? Do you see the baby elephant?

He is a little bigger than yours, Nessa!

Heather and I saw hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them!

a baby crocodile out in the sun!

a mommy lion and her two cubs

This mommy leopard was eating impala meat up in a tree after I took the picture.


Jackal- a wild dog, not like Dodger and Charlie

wart hog (I think Grandma Cook would think these are REALLY ugly!)

Love, your African Auntie


  1. Kaelyn says that is the coolest Jakal she has ever seen. Nessa says that giraffe is as tall as hers.

  2. wow....that looks like quite an adventure!
