Wednesday, May 20, 2020


a few of my recent baking adventures:

maple scones (buttery flakes of dough dotted with slivered almonds and sweetened with Michigan maple syrup)
classic rugelagh (miniature butter + cream cheese pastry encasing sweet fillings of choice... cinnamon nut, Nutella, and homemade jam...)
bluebarb cobbler (blueberries and rhubarb sweetened with Michigan maple syrup and topped with a delicious butter biscuit)
rhubarb hand pies (tangy fruit enveloped in a flaky, all-butter crust)

Surprisingly (and unfortunately-?), butter has been easier to source/buy than flour during the current COVID-19 red phase here in our county.


  1. Wow!!! I want to come eat at your house. The look delicious but your descriptions really top it off.

  2. on your weekends you should be one of those food reviewer people...
