Wednesday, September 25, 2013


We returned home with grateful hearts a day earlier than planned from our latest Lusaka expedition. God blessed our errands and obligations in Zambia's capital city beyond what we could have ever anticipated. 

When we told a friend we'd be leaving a day early because all our errands were finished, she gasped and exclaimed, "I think that's the first time I've ever heard that story before!" 

Our list of to-do's in the City included visits to immigration, two auto dealerships, and an industrial plastics company. In addition to all the work errands, we enjoyed catching up with out-of-town friends over dinner one night, and managed a visit to Milky Lane (ice cream) at Manda Hill (modern shopping mall).

As we wrapped up every errand in record time, I kept breathing thanks to the One who gave us the gift of a safe, smooth, and successful journey that exceeded our expectations.


  1. amazing landscape shot....was that from your trip to the city or just a "beyond" photo

    1. hah. That shot definitely didn't come from the City! I had pulled it a while ago to post and thought it matched the "beyond" theme. I think Heather shot it sometime... can't remember when.
