Thursday, May 12, 2016


1/3 of Dad and Mom's children are now SVSU alumni!

If you're honest, you know how BORING graduation ceremonies usually are.

Graduates endure such events for the tiny moment of individual recognition (can't say it's for the diploma... because sometimes they just present the cover ;) )-- a time when others recognize the major accomplishment of years of effort and growth through which they have persevered.

[I remember sitting through my SVSU graduation thinking, Come on... All we really want is to walk across that stage and shake the president's hand and receive an official-looking paper. I doubt we're going to remember a word that's being said anyway, so can we get a move on?!...]

Audiences attend the ceremonies because they're proud of a specific graduate's achievements.

And... I think any others attend out of obligation (the band, etc.), or maybe because they are re-living the past-?? (not sure).


Last week I got a text from Amy. She was brainstorming a family activity for Brian's upcoming graduation.

I'm pretty sure everyone in our section of the bleachers was jealous of our family Saturday morning, because as the hours dragged on during Brian's commencement, we were having fun. There were periodic snickers and an uncanny sense of excitement in our row as we played a private game of Graduation Bingo.

My card included boxes with statements such as: "Balance work/life/school/etc.," "Picture painted on a graduate cap," "Microphones squealing," and, "Graduate wearing five-inch heals." Of course, we all had "It's a great day to be a Cardinal!" as a wild space in the center of our papers.

Libby, Dad, and Aaron all walked away from the ceremony with Bingo's. The rest of us left with scattered X's on our papers-- wishing that someone would have wished the graduates, "Good Luck!" or dropped something on the stage, or used a quote from at least one US president.

It was great to celebrate Brian's achievement, and the Bingo game was good, silly fun.

Oh- and if you want to build your own Graduate Bingo game here's a suggestion based on a space our Bingo sheets lacked: "Graduate snapping a selfie with the president."

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I love this idea. What fun.
    P.S. Uncle Keith and I are looking at your blog together and he thought it was a great idea also.
