Friday, March 31, 2017


It's spring here in Pennsylvania, and the Forsythia had already budded into yellow when we received fourteen inches of snow in a recent storm.

Fourteen inches of loveliness covering everything outside. Fourteen inches of cold, wet fluff deterring road travel and closing the office. {bliss!}

Working remotely is an extra special treat to me. These two days of snow reminded me how much I loved having my own office in our house at Nahumba. These two days also allowed me many focused hours of concentration on current office items-- specifically catching up on some necessary email communication.

I was amused, and thought my Michigan friends and family would be as well, to hear that days after the storm, the local grocery store was still sold out of normal milk!

(oh, and yes, I did help with the shoveling too-- just in case you thought I stayed inside to watch and take pictures!)

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