Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Peepy Nahumba Moment

Heather’s parents went to watch the giant Peep drop on New Year’s Eve. We couldn't believe it! At this great event, everyone was given free Peeps, so Heather’s amazing Pops picked her up a package of Peeps.

Heather and I feel similarly about Peeps: the best way to enjoy Peeps is to pop them in the microwave (one at a time) for a few seconds and watch them blow up. Cheep, dumb entertainment. Entertainment nevertheless.

Anyway, amongst the Valentine goodies Heather’s Mom sent was the package of Reindeer Peeps from her Pops.

Chrissy had never seen or eaten Peeps before (apparently, Canadians have better taste than we have when it comes to artificial sugar blobs…). We decided to hold a Peep Tasting Event so Chrissy could experience the wonder of these mallowy, fake “treats.”

Malinda does not share the same views on Peeps as Heather and I, so she gladly joined the Peep Tasting Event. I volunteered to be the camera girl.

Here are the most notable findings from the tasting:
  1. Surprisingly, these reindeer Peeps weren't stale, even though they arrived over 1.5 months after they were in season (if you want something scary to think about, just imagine how long it must take for a Peep to become stale)
  2. Chocolate Peeps have a better flavor than traditional, Easter yellow Peeps


  1. good job capturing expressions of your peeps eating peeps :)

  2. Chocolate? Oh, so fun to share a hearty, mallowy laugh!
