Thursday, April 17, 2014


Something I'm not sure I could/will ever get used to is the transiency of life as an expatriate.

Earlier this month we bid farewell to Lisa, a volunteer nurse who moved to Zambia about six months before Heather and I arrived. Throughout our coinciding time in Zambia we shared good times-- like our weekend in Lusaka during cold season (more tea, please), and our July 4th picnic lunch. Our countless chats-- often perched on the counters-- here in the kitchen at Nahumba made the kitchen seem like the most natural place for our quick good-bye photo the other night.

Lisa- blessings upon you. Go well, and stay well. 
I'm thankful for the opportunities we had to spend time together over the past year-and-a-half.


  1. cute blouse Julie. I wonder where you got it?

  2. gotta admit....I have never thought of taking a good-bye photo perched on the kitchen counter but you too pulled it off.

    I am thankful for all the wonderful relationships you have made as a result of your obedience to step out of your comfort zone and into Africa.

  3. Reminds me a lot of our lives for some reason. Seems like we are always saying goodbye to someone or some place. Won't it be wonderful in the kingdom of heaven, when there will be no more goodbyes?!
