Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Packer Talent

Betsy in action

From the time she was a little tike Betsy has exhibited an uncanny ability to stuff impressive amounts of things into small spaces. She is my "packer" sister.

I'm pretty sure there's a verse in the Bible that talks about Betsy. Something about talents and using them for the Kingdom, I think...

When I prep for a big trip, I gather all my necessary items. Then, Betsy and I have a packing date and she packs away (while I document the process in case a piece of luggage winds up missing). She folds and rolls and adjusts and stuffs... and soon, voila!

It's done.
My bags are packed in record time, and the daunting task is actually fun!

get ready, get set, pack!

Monday morning was our packing date. We tried not to think about the trip ahead-- that ocean, the contients, all the things that will separate us for the next period of our lives...

Because when we think about those things, we sob.
a. lot.

sisters forever

all done :)

P.S. Just to share a few stats lest you think I'm fabricating claims about my sister and her wondrous packing abilities:
Last winter, Betsy took a trip overseas (20 days). Her personal luggage (including winter clothes for sub-zero Farenheit weather) was all stuffed into a small backpack. That's it.

*pps: susanna, i envy your spartan life*


  1. So THAT's what that room is for! (sob)

  2. A backpack?! Well, looks like she has you well-organized. Is there a space in a pocket for her? :)
    Praying that you're experiencing a peace that passes understanding.

  3. before she went to Africa the first time I did fold myself up and get in her suitcase...
    my hope is to go next year and bring her back

  4. Sisters are wonderful. I know that well. I'm so glad yours are supporting you, helping you, loving you and praying for you. Since I recently lost mine, I love reading about you sisters and how you help each other out.
