Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Victoria Falls

Since Gene and Darlene’s flight home departed out of Livingstone, we took the opportunity to visit Victoria Falls last weekend.

Apparently, the Falls is nicknamed Victoria Walls at this time of year because of the lack of water before the rains come. I didn't know what to expect since I’d never been to the Falls before, but others were surprised at how much water was still flowing at this time of the year.

Even though the drive was only 2.5 hours, I was exhausted by the time we arrived in Livingstone (I was the navigator). My first glimpse of the Falls was enough to make the drive worthwhile. I wish I could package the Falls in my suitcase to take home, or shoot some pictures that would actually display the grandeur and power at Victoria Falls, but... you'll just have to come visit if you really want to experience this Natural Wonder of the World!

I'm hangin', I'm hangin'

Looking toward Zimbabwe

When Gene came to the Falls as a boy, this foot bridge wasn't built yet. Gene remembers his mom being quite concerned when his dad climbed across the rocks to shoot pictures!

The Zambezi

I decided to be a full-fledged tourist and shoot lots of pictures :)

Heather and David Livingstone (he's holding a Bible)

Out on the rocks of the Zambezi (the Falls is to our left; during the rainy season, this area is covered in water).


  1. I just showed these to Dad and Aaron. We all agreed they are very beautiful.

  2. I think you did a fine job being a tourist...the first shot is breathtaking...glad you got to visit such an amazing part of Abba's creation.

  3. Wow - if this is in the dry season - you'll have to go back again. Amazing! Tori definitely will take your recommendation to come see this!

  4. Spectacular! Thanks for taking so many and sharing them. My favorites, of course, are those with YOU in the pictures. The Falls may be a "natural wonder," but what the Lord is doing in you and through you is the real spectacular display of His power!

  5. The first time we saw the falls was in September, so it looked pretty similar to this. Do you think you'll go again in or after the rainy season? You'll get soaked by the mist :)

    1. How can I only go once when I'm here for at least a year?!? I have an office errand in Livingstone in April, so maybe then...
