Friday, November 23, 2012


Before moving to Zambia, Heather and I decided to purchase ZamBikes as an alternative transport mode for errands close to home (we have vehicles we can drive, but travel is expensive). A couple hours after stepping off the plane in Lusaka, Gene and Darlene took us to ZamBike to pick up our bulky treasures.

The following week Gene helped us prep our bikes for our first ride... stuff like adjusting the brake so it actually clamped the tyre [yep- that's the proper spelling here]. Zambian manufacturing is, well, original.

So far, life has been so busy our bikes have mostly lived in the dining room (safe keeping). But soon, I'm hoping to spend a lot more time keeping my yellow machine company and learning the dirt paths around Nahumba and the back way in to town.


  1. nice set of wheels....will look forward to hearing about your wheeling adventures.
