Sunday, March 2, 2014

we took a Picnic

On a recent trip to Sikalongo (an hour out into the bush), Sara, a friend and I got a little lost. But, we were beautifully lost. We knew where we were and how to get back to the main route, and we soaked in the colorful scenery sans people. After the “lost” trip, Sara and I dreamed up the idea of a taking a picnic lunch out in the bush on our next Sikalongo expedition.

the set up

the view
Recently, we again had business calling us to Sikalongo, so, when Wednesday dawned sunny and beautiful, Sara started hard boiling eggs, and I went to work in the office finishing a multitude of details for the Sikalongo meeting.

It was well after lunch time by the time we finally left Nahumba, but we were still determined to take our lunch break in the bush. We drove along until we found an area with a pretty view and a bonus scrubby shade bush. Then, we parked the truck, unloaded our camp chairs, pulled our egg salad sandwiches out of the cooler, and enjoyed our picnic.

A handful of folks passed—one vehicle, a few bicycles, and a couple pedestrians. I’m sure they all thought we were pretty nutty, but Sara and I had a grand time. wasn't exactly a waterfront picnic...
After tea (Sara even packed tea cups!) and chocolate, we loaded our chairs back in the truck and left that blissful place, pressing on to Sikalongo for our business.

The sun was screaming out brilliant colors in the western sky by the time we bumped our way back home to Nahumba. What a delightful afternoon. I can’t wait for another picnic.


  1. makes me want to come for another visit

  2. Great idea...and the pics make it look wonderfully inviting. Three cheers for picnics in the bush with chocolate and tea.
